Black Women Making Movies Chat
Monday, July 27, 2009
Internet TV The Next Wave
I am a big proponent for internet tv. I love the idea of 24/7 or less linear streaming online tv station. With internet tv someone could have a channel from everything from sports to science fiction.
There are many ways to create an internet tv station. Info on creating a radio station and tv has info on various types cable, satellite, internet etc. has info on various types cable, satellite, internet etc. solutions/itv.php It's focus seems to be more on the U. K. can't remember if this is targeted at the U. K. plus because I don't have adobe right now (old comp crashed) I can't read it. I started with this site when It was Mogulus. Anyways you have free or pro. Right now I have a free account. This one is okay, but I like livestream for the linear style more haven't tried, but looks okay
More of inspiration for an internet channel was my first inspiration for internet tv I frankly would like the lineup where only the creators of the site can see it. quality is wonderful even when in large screen is wonderful even when in large screen cool site again I would have the playlist where only the creators could see it as well as disable the chat. love the quality of the vids this is an even bigger inspiration. I would love to have an online cable company or something like TVUnetworks
Anyways hope this is an inspiration to others. Like I said my old comp crashed. I had websites just for this blog post and those are on the other computer.
internet tv station,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hollywood's Lack of American Film Industry Competitors
You know as I've been reflecting on film making, film industries from America to India I have come to wonder how in the world is it that America doesn't have more than one film industry? In India as well as neighboring countries alone there are several not just Bollywood . In Africa Nollywood is not the only industry. There are others and some starting up because of Nollywood, but there are other film industries or cinema cultures. So again how is it that we have just one industry. Asia has many different film industries period sometimes within the same country, state, group etc.
Frankly I think that's why Hollywood is the way it is. No competition on it's own soil. Well indies somewhat, but most independent filmmakers work on indies as a step into Hollywood. Why don't we have an film industry that started from scratch and is separate of Hollywood? At one point though one of the biggest competitors (made Hwood real nervous)was European film industry.
With how big this country is and the lack of representation of the people you would think we would have more film industries. In the 70's and 80's there were hickploitation movies like blaxploitation films had audiences craving for something for them. And they had big fans too. Smokey and the Bandit, White Lightning, Deliverance,Walking Tall, Fight For Your Life etc. gave many of the South as well as others in rural eras heroes they could relate to. Seriously America isn't just big cities (and even so can't a movie be set in other cities), California and New York. We have so much in Americana that is just not told. Yes in documentaries or campaigns (little snippets)on the web to show Americana, but people need more. I also think that's why peoples interest in movies is slipping. Even in old Hollywood like they showed a gangster movie set in NY or Chicago they showed ones set in the mid-west.
I'm most definitely surprised that black people don't have a film industry. Even if the movies were low bud. This is surprising especially with the surge of digital technology making it easier and cheaper for independents to make films. Not only that, but it could create jobs for crew as well as directors, producers, writers, actors etc. I mean seriously countries poorer than U. S. are doing more with less. As stated before Nigerians are recreating Nollywood in America for Nigerian Americans as well as for Nigerians and others in Africa. So we really need to step up on our A-game.
But overall the fact that the whole of the U. S. hasn't started a separate commercial movie industry to Hollywood is even more shocking. The same reasons as stated above apply. So many are work to get into Hollywood they don't realize they can just totally say screw you and make a whole complete new industry. It might have to start small, start on the low key to gain momentum so that Hollywood doesn't take it over, but I do think it can be done. Nollywood wasn't known about outside of Africa for years main reason being they paid for the movies themselves or used funds of others (like Bwood sometimes thugs)keeping the movie relevant to those of the audience or at least close.
Every time I see other states in the U. S. saying that they are starting, creating, building a film industry I then read on to find out they are just becoming an extension of Hollywood. Why not literally create a film industry from scratch that has Nothing to do with Hollywood. I'm not saying build studios etc. (because studio building is costly and most films might have to be on location and that's fine)but have an industry that we created on our own.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Black Actresses as Desirable Leading Ladies
couldn't find a trailer for this movie, but this video is hott!!!
Okay so yeah monster of the week cheesy scifi well now SYYYFFFYYYY (with sarcasm)channel
Okay yes this is a cheesy no budget scifi horror film. The filmmaker even claims Cool guy btw. There is an implied BW/IR. But this will be a different post about no-low-budget/indie filmmaking and BW/IR in films.
cute movie
Cute little short film
Why can't black women be seen as desirable by all types of men in movies? We are just as beautiful as any woman. We have to make movies that show us as desirable, marriageable to men of every race. No one can do that, but us. Well not totally just us, but other filmmakers non black and black alike that love us and see us as beautiful. We are worthy to be leading ladies with leading men of any nationality or race. These movies could run the gamut from a dramatic romantic drama/comedy Jane Austen style to science fiction ala Star Trek. It's up to us. We have to stop letting others control our image. We have to stop being our worst enemy. And we most definitely have to get out of our own way. If we don't think we are beautiful, wonderful, lovable, marriageable and etc. then who else will?
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Beauty of the Old Hollywood Studio System
This is one of my favorite books. It's about the old Hollywood studio system and how it operated. When you learn how the old system work you realize the genius that went into it. Yes it had it's flaws. The way studios treated it's stars, because they signed contracts with them, having to be loaned out to another studio if that studio wanted them to star in a movie or if an actor or actress did, not being able to do a project with another studio because the studio you are signed with says no. Or as in Clarke Gable's case having to be in a movie which you think is a stinker (It Happened One Night, but we all know how much of a classic that is now)because the script is so bad every other actor and actress turned it down, but you have to do it, because you've been turning down too many movies. I didn't know that the studios didn't know what to do with Bettie Davis. They couldn't place her talent. The studios of course made it hard for filmmakers outside of the system. Let us also not forget the portrayals of black people as well as other non white people in Hollywood.
They also had great aspects of the system. For one thing they controlled the hell out of it. It was a cheaper system (yes monopoly when you look at it)because they controlled the studios, the distribution (most studios had their own theater chain) It was run like Ford assembly line (that can be good and bad), but each studio had it's own feel and style of movies. Star making in the old studio system is both fantastic and crazy as hell at the same time. Coming up with names and even a crazy back history that most people today would laugh at intrigued the American movie going audience. The studios realized that people wanted someone who seemed mysterious. They would come up with the story of the person an exotic name and then find the right actor/actress to play the part, and this is just the actor/actress. They were not playing the character for a movie. They were the character. Of course people would later find out that a certain star wasn't a love child of dancehall girl and a maharaja, but it would just add more mystery to the person and make people want to see and know them even more. for more on the star system. Hollywood also controlled newspapers, magazines for a time to control what got out about their stars. They also had wonderful movies during those years (yes along with some stinkers)they made smaller pictures inorder to make bigger ones. Not only that unlike the Hollywood of today the had an apprenticeship system. New filmmakers, writers etc. would work under others. In order to write a feature you had to write shorts first. In order to direct you had to direct shorts and docus etc. and some did the b movies (real b movies, not as what we associate with bfilms today, bfilm was just a movie that wasn't A list)
I loved reading about Irving Thalberg. Talk about hard worker and someone who created many of the lessons I had to learn in screenwriting. As in watch movies of others to see the talent/style, learn to be a better screenwriter as well as to know what the competition was doing. He also believed that just because they were an asembly didn't mean that the movie shouldn't look beautiful. His hard work is also the reason for his life being so short.
I would urge many interested in getting into Hollywood or any other film industry, filmmaking or creating an industry to read this book on how the old Hollywood system started from it's silent days to talkies to 1948 ruling against it being a monopoly. It's a wonderful read.
Oh and did you know that both John Wayne and Humphry Bogart were b movie actors for years before becoming A list.
golden age,
old studio system,
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Beauty Standards and Black Women in the Media
Do you know that black people had a film industry that we actually ran? Black filmmakers got to show a way or ways of life that they wanted to show and not what others wanted. We for a time controlled our images. They were called race movies, race films, separate cinema has posters from different eras of black movies (I don't consider the 70's black film movement or blaxploitation movies as a black controlled film industry) . The problem is not every ones image was in their control. By That I mean black women. Even though it was mostly a black run industry black women still didn't get to show themselves or see themselves the way they wanted to be seen or the way they wanted to be shown. In many race films black women (love interest, hell most of the black women)were light skinned while black men could be dark as midnight. Of course there were dark skinned women, but they were more like the mothers, grandmothers, or big momma. This wasn't always the case, but I sure saw enough of this in these movies to see that we were already creating this type of media influence that is hurting us today. Light skinned black men such as Herb Jeffries was considered to light so his skin was darkened.
I was casting a fantasy movie (a game some of friends play)and it was hard, because many of the actresses don't represent the women I see on the daily either in my family or on the street. I yahooed black actresses. I clicked on Mahogany Cafe. As I was going through love that site. It's a tribute to black women actresses in Hollywood I couldn't help but think were are the dark skinned actresses? I began to notice they were in short supply. If I notice this from a website that is a tribute to black actresses then what does that tell people watching movies, tv etc.? I see the gamut of all shades of black women, but I don't mostly see light and nothing else. So I left this site and in the search engine (of which I searched black actresses)I came across Abagond's posts black-actresses, the-most-beautiful-black-actresses and I noted that out of all the dark skinned actresses there were only four Jill Marie Jones Gabrielle Union, Aissa Maiga (and she is a French film actress), Angela Bassett on the list. Even the Honourable mentions don't represent most black women. Most black actresses whether they are light skinned are dark skinned barely get screen time and when they do it's so treasured we still talk about them even when they are doing movies and shows every once in a blue moon.
The black-actresses topic was the one that really hit me. Because it's what this blog is about and there was a quote that really caught me.
Spike Lee: “The way for black actresses to start getting more roles is for black women to start directing and producing their own films.”
There was a comment I especially liked and made me think in a way that I hadn't before.
Today I think it’s critical that BW take charge of our image, especially in the media/entertainment industry, and hammer home the fact that Black actresses are beautiful, desirable, and talented enough to play any role opposite any actor regardless of race. If I had the money, I would set up a production company that would feature films where today’s most talented Black actresses would be mainstreamed by being given the role of leading lady opposite the hottest White/non-Black actors. These films would be written/directed by Europeans and Americans who have a pro-BW perspective and would present IRR’s in a positive, matter of fact manner as opposed to the tragic manner IRR’s involving BW and WM/non-BM are typically portrayed in Hollywood. I would also strive to end the unequal PAY Black actresses receive by insuring they receive EQUAL wages to what White/non-Black actresses are being paid.
Black actresses have a hard time getting roles whether in Hollywood or other industries. Beautiful actresses such as this lady shouldn't have to struggle to be seen. There are so many wonderful and beautiful black actresses that talents have gone to waste not only in Hollywood, but other industries as well. We have to stop this. We have to come in and take command of our image and say no more. No more to waste talent. No more to degrading parts. No more to being the best friend. No more to be seen as undesirable. Hell I most definately urge black filmmakers to get these women, before Hollywood or SAG gets their hands on them, because then we'd barely see them at all. Create an industry where there talents will be cherished and nurtured not let go to waste.
The second sentence in bold is what made me think in a different way. It just didn't occur to me that we are not only going to have to have African American women as well as other black women make movies that show us in a better light and give us better roles, but also those other filmmakers from other countries and even races who see us that way too. That just seriously didn't occur to me. And it makes sense. Why would do we expect those who continually make movies that show you in degrading or undesirable fashion to make movies showing us as desirable or as any other woman. These filmmakers white, black etc. have proven that they don't have your best interest at heart with these types of images. So it would behove black women to only work with those black, white filmmakers and others etc. who do have your best interest at heart and want to show you just as any other woman in the world wants to be seen.
And here is something for actresses struggling out there. Yes it is hard, but you can do it. You aren't getting the roles you want. Make your own movie and cast yourself. The movie doesn't have to cost a lot. It also doesn't have to be Oscar worthy. It just needs to get made. With digital cameras now you can make a movie cheaply sometimes not even spending money at all. At least you'd have a film under your belt and more to add to your reel. And if you don't want to do it yourself get with other actors and actresses and make a movie. There are so many books websites, youtube videos that are about no/low budget film making.
We can make black films by black women all we want, but if we don't stop being our own worst enemy then it won't work. In order for this to work we absolutely have to to stop being our own worst enemy. Will Smith said that the studio refused to consider an African-American woman for Hitch. Partly due to the movie being seen as a black film and not being able (or so called able I don't even think they try)overseas (We have to remember certain White Hollywood films don't always sell overseas either, but they won't tell you that bit)and the other part because they found that if they cast a white women there would be hell from black woman. Then they found that if they cast a black women there would be hell from black women. So they had him choose a Latina. Then they found the got hell from black women anyway. I mean look at the ugly comments with Tameka Foster and Usher. I think them divorcing has a lot to do with the ugly comments coming at her from all directions. There have been ugly things about her skin tone to her being a gold digger when we all know damn well that a white women wouldn't be treated this same way. We even partake in this type of behavior with the women in our own group and then have the gaul to get mad when others do things based on how we respond or behave. We have to seriously think of our words and behavior ladies. Seriously I have found the most detractors with the Black Princess Disney movie to be other black people.
Books to check out
Rebel without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker With $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player By Robert Rodriguez
Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices: Second Revised Edition By Rick Schmidt He also has a book called Extreme DV
Digital Filmmaking 101: An Essential Guide to Producing Low-Budget Movies (Paperback)
by Dale Newton
Independent Feature Film Production: A Complete Guide from Concept Through Distribution by Gregory Goodell
Voice and Vision: A Creative Approach to Narrative Film and DV Production by Mick Hurbis-Cherrier
Jumpstart Your Awesome Film Production Company by Sara Caldwell
film production,
golden age,
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Science Fiction and Other No/Low Budget Filmmakers as Inspiration
Or just me showing my strange
cheesy, but pretty cool especially when you learn about the making of it.
(this one took a while to make. What Jason Tamoric was able to accomplish was outstanding.
(pretty good fan film)
fan film done within the Scottish filmmaking community pretty good.
I love finding no/low budget science fiction movies. Later you will find out how I love to watch all types of no/low budget movies from romcoms to scifi. Yes some are horrible and some are great films. The point is that the filmmakers achieved the making of the movie. I also love to watch short films to give ideas on what I could do for when I want to make a scifi movie. I do this with other genres as well. I love to watch fan films if you can believe Yes fan films and as stated above there are those that are good and those that are just well horrible. Seven of the films I know the budgets of. The one from Australian I don't know about. I can tell you that the first one is a short film and was done on a really low bud. It's not the greatest film ever, but it was cool what was done on the budget. The second one is damn cheap I know that. I don't want to post it on here in case the filmmakers don't want it known, but it is very no/low budget. The War of the World's movie was done on the cheap. Hines used friends, family and other types of ways to keep the movie on the low budget. CL. One as is stated on the yt site was made for around 25k with dv cameras, free locations and free help. Now it took a while to make this happen, but the movie got made and the filmmaker ended up working on Star Wars. Terrarium was made for around 27k on 16mm. The set was built in Mike Conway's backyard, but he had to take it down because of complaints so he had to shoot fast. Yes it is a bit cheesy not the best acting, but then again I have a strange love for no budget scifi horror. Give me Roger Corman or Lloyd Kaufman anyday. The short film fan film The Rage was done for 1,000 pounds in Scotland that's around 1,633.76 US I guess. Primer was made for around 7k (Like El Mariachi)it was slow in some parts, but all around pretty cool film. I just heard about the Enigma short film. It's pricey in the short film range mainly because to make a good impression with festivals etc. you need to spend the money. Whatever this film looks cool.
Anyways what I am getting at is that it is good to watch other no/low budget short films, fan films, features even webseries (of which some are hella (and I mean get inspiration for what you as a filmmaker could do with the movies you are making. Low budget doesn't always have to mean from 0-100k it could be a 100k or more. Many movies under $100k are just look just as good and are just as good.
This movie was made for around $980-$1k
I can't remember how much, but I know it was either free or cheap. Anyways they have a vid on about making a microbudget movie.
cheesy, but pretty cool especially when you learn about the making of it.
(this one took a while to make. What Jason Tamoric was able to accomplish was outstanding.
(pretty good fan film)
fan film done within the Scottish filmmaking community pretty good.
I love finding no/low budget science fiction movies. Later you will find out how I love to watch all types of no/low budget movies from romcoms to scifi. Yes some are horrible and some are great films. The point is that the filmmakers achieved the making of the movie. I also love to watch short films to give ideas on what I could do for when I want to make a scifi movie. I do this with other genres as well. I love to watch fan films if you can believe Yes fan films and as stated above there are those that are good and those that are just well horrible. Seven of the films I know the budgets of. The one from Australian I don't know about. I can tell you that the first one is a short film and was done on a really low bud. It's not the greatest film ever, but it was cool what was done on the budget. The second one is damn cheap I know that. I don't want to post it on here in case the filmmakers don't want it known, but it is very no/low budget. The War of the World's movie was done on the cheap. Hines used friends, family and other types of ways to keep the movie on the low budget. CL. One as is stated on the yt site was made for around 25k with dv cameras, free locations and free help. Now it took a while to make this happen, but the movie got made and the filmmaker ended up working on Star Wars. Terrarium was made for around 27k on 16mm. The set was built in Mike Conway's backyard, but he had to take it down because of complaints so he had to shoot fast. Yes it is a bit cheesy not the best acting, but then again I have a strange love for no budget scifi horror. Give me Roger Corman or Lloyd Kaufman anyday. The short film fan film The Rage was done for 1,000 pounds in Scotland that's around 1,633.76 US I guess. Primer was made for around 7k (Like El Mariachi)it was slow in some parts, but all around pretty cool film. I just heard about the Enigma short film. It's pricey in the short film range mainly because to make a good impression with festivals etc. you need to spend the money. Whatever this film looks cool.
Anyways what I am getting at is that it is good to watch other no/low budget short films, fan films, features even webseries (of which some are hella (and I mean get inspiration for what you as a filmmaker could do with the movies you are making. Low budget doesn't always have to mean from 0-100k it could be a 100k or more. Many movies under $100k are just look just as good and are just as good.
This movie was made for around $980-$1k
I can't remember how much, but I know it was either free or cheap. Anyways they have a vid on about making a microbudget movie.
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