Friday, March 5, 2010

BWMM Has Moved

You can find the blog's new home at

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Angelique Short Film

I saw a clip of this short film about a month or so ago. It's based on the true and tragic story of Marie-Joseph Angélique. A black slave women acused of burning down Montreal. She was tortured and hanged. Hanging%20of%20Angelique.htm (a book writte on the subject)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Supehero Series Created by a Black Woman

I was just sent this to post on my site
Teresa Dowell-Vest created her own superheroes for the AA audience. She is looking for donations to help her series get off the ground. Anyway check it out. We need all the positive images we can get.

Everyone who reads this post please spread the word by posting this on your. Sort of like a tag game. Or more precicely the Filipino Tag Game on YT. If you read it post it on your blog then send and email informing someone else and ask them to put it on theirs and so on. I guess it's also sort of like a chain. The person you send it to has to do the same with another blog, website etc. Oh and I nearly forgot you can repost this whole posting on your site. I have not problem with it.

Those who read this pass it on

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why We need to Produce Our Own Films

This is why we need to make our own films. Check out who produced the film and you will understand. We have to stop letting others create images of us but us.

This one doen't look bad. I want to check this out.

This movie just rubbed me the wrong way.

Hated this movie

I love Nollywood, but at least they have love stories. They have their crazy drama, but we have jacked up drama.

What's sad is when we start emulating instead of making the films that would benefit us.

A movie about two women fighting over a man?

Many of these films though are good inspirations to make a film. Many of these films were made on very low budgets. A Good Man is Hard to Find was made for 3mill so right now that may be out of our leagues, but we can produce a decent movie for way less than that.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Movie Assignments

Sorry been busy everyone, but movie assignment time Don't know the costs of these movies
Can't remember the country I think China, but not sure

My Favorite Kollywood movie. I love Jane Austen in any form. Well Bride and Prejudice was okay

Nepali movies

Uphaar is the first Nepali movie I'd ever seen. They can be crazy than what we are used, but they are hella fun. It's not in English so it's up to everyone to come up with the what you think is going on. They also have a hell of a lot of drama. Have no problem with this myself.



Now this movie is just crazy, but hella fun

Actually they remind me of those old movies with the damsel in distress about to get run over by a train and the hero comes in and saves the day. Sorry for so many, but I want everyone to see as much as they can of other movie industries from around the world. Also don't know when I might be able to post more. Hopefully soon. Just look at is a way of being exposed to new ideas.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Movie Assignments

Sorry didn't put up the assignments yesterday.

No buget movie made in the U. S. they has have a vid about making no budget movies


Monday, January 25, 2010

Watch Watch Watch Just Remember to Detox

For a few weeks I've been watching no/low budget African American movies to low budget scifi. Many aren't great. The point though is to see what many have done with the no budgets and low budgets they have been given. I've also been watching no/low budget movies that not geared to AAs as well. I watched a movie all though low budget to Hollywood standards and maybe not so for independents french action film District 13 or Banlieue 13 €12mill or around 17mill USD. I keep a list of movies (I make it myself) of movies and their budgets. Now I will say that after watching crap movies (not all are and many aren't that loveable fun cheesy campy fun either)you have to seriously detox yourself. I'm serious ya'll! Watching a crap movie makes you want to ring your neck and get your tortured now derranged ghost to heat the oven and stick your head in Some of these movies are like dead Armadillo. They stink. If you don't believe me watch Then there are the ones that are good even though the production values don't look topnotch. There are also movies like Facing the Giants, Monsoon Wedding (shot in India) and many other no/low budget movies that you don't feel like you are watching a movie that has a no/low budget.

Then there are movies that are cute

boy why can't we make movies like this. It might not be some big Hollywood romance drama, but It's still one of my faves.

I would also say if you get a chance watch movies from Korea, Japan etc. especially the love stories (I many are too Also watch movies that are more outside of the commericial arena.

And Remember that bfilm just means budget film it doesn't mean bad.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Movie Viewing Assignments #2


Made for 400k British pounds


Kano, Nigeria known as Kanywood
I am going to warn you now that you have to remember that the culture is different so the marriages are going to be different etc.



Okay I am thinking of making these assignments private. I think I will make a private forum for viewing assignments and possibly for film assignments if I decide to have a collab. I will create the private blog and post an annoucement here as well as other places and those interested please email to be joined to the group.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What's up Hollywood? Why No Black Women Interracial Movies?

We should also have more films such as Something New. There are so many stories that could be told from the past, the present and even the future. All of these black women white men/non-bm romance novels and we don't have more IR movies even if they are straight to video? Everyone look at these photos from Jet Magazine on Black Women IR in the freaking 50's.
You can read her article at I've been wanting to write a story about an IR (that isn't tragic) between a black woman and a white man and doing the research on such unions is hard. It's hard to believe that in a country where people barely listen to their own laws that there wouldn't have been those that defied. Richard vs. Loving anyone.

Okay so I know that something New made back $11 mill or so, but there could at least be straight to dvd features. Hollywood does it all the time. When a movie doesn't do as well at the boxoffice (and I guess does do okay on vid)then they will make a movie that is about the same production budget as what was made on the first movie. Check out Dungeons & Dragons and then Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God, Mimic and countless other movies. So why hasn't this been done with black women IR films. And I'm not talking about movies that are straight to video that you feel it's straight to video movie. Now yes some of these movies are made to be cheapies. Movies such as Soul of the Game, Introducing Dorothy Dandridge (yes made for tv by HBO)as well as other films by HBO made you feel like these movies should have been in the theater whether they were about white, black etc.

So why haven't features been made? There are so many black women IR novels it's ridiculous. New books are coming out everyday so what's up? If it's budget I am so for a movie that is the budget of a teen movie or movie with unknowns just as long as we get some decent movies.

In a later post I will post budgets of movies.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Movie Viewing Assignments

Movie assignments to watch. I think I will do this every week. Everyone must watch the films within a the alloted week and write thoughts on the movies as well as what you think we could do to make our own films. Right now I am posting Nollywood, Ghollywood, I'm also going to be assigning other African films from industries like Nwood as well as movies like Sia the Myth of the Python. I also will be assigning films from Haiti etc. I will also be assigning movies from other continents/countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India etc.

Nollywood (Amstel Malta Boxoffice, basically it's a program where contestants compete to become the next Nollywood Star (there was actually a show by that name as well) Anyway every season there is a winner and they get a lead role in a movie produced by Amstel

Beyonce President's Daughter

The Return of Beyonce

Princess Tyra if you can find it.

Diversity in Our Movies

I like this article about how black films need to be not only diverse with black stories, but with people as well. I have to admit. I have been wondering about this as well. I mean yeah it's cool to have black films like Soul Food etc. but we also need to have movies that have not only diverse black people. We also need diverse groups who aren't black as well and also who aren't African American. There are many types of black people within the African American community, but also within the world as well. And that goes for other races as well. Being what the situation for Black Women's image in America mostly black America this might be something we should be looking into. Seriously we need to get out of movies like Diary of a Mad Black Woman and Diary of a Tired Black Man (Seriously?). Yes Precious is a good movie, but is that what we really want to show of Black America and black women. I'm not saying that those movies should never be made, but we don't have many diverse stories and images as it is now. I've often talked to black people who don't understand why black people get upset with our images and say, but white people show the same etc. White people also see movies that are comedies, dramas, dramadies and countless other images. They might have those gangster type movies, but they also have love stories. Just look at the old studio system. Certain studios were known for producing certain genres so you still had more diversity. White people have a diverse image as does many other movie industries such as Nollywood, Bollywood etc. Black Americans image tends to be either hood, comedy, or jacked up drama.

And seriously can we get out of the inner city and the city all together. I mean damn not every black person ever lived in a city, the hood, or even a suburb, are going through baby mama drama etc. Many black people lived on farms and have had many other diverse lifestyles as much as any other group of people. Just watching history of old race films and it just saddens me how far we he degressed when it comes to films and our image.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A pretty cool vid on Nollywood.


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